Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Independence Day Nigeria

My lovely hometown officially turns 52 years old since separation from the British. I know we still have a long way to go but my prayer is that God's presence and peace will continue to reign in that nation as we embark this 52nd journey. I also pray the same for all nation worldwide.

I started out rocking my greens yesterday at church in celebration so here is what I wore

It was a raining sunday so taking pictures in the rain was out of the question

My favorite part about braid it is requires minimum styling...I just rolled it up and was ready to go in 5 mins.

Goodbye blazer, show of some skin. The blazer was made by a friend and when I got it I had a different idea so I pulled out my sewing machine and made a dress to match.

Besistos (Kisses)


Have a lovely week everyone and thanks for stopping by my blog. If you are not already following do not hesitate to follow me, I would really appreciate it




A close mouth is a close destiny and expectation is the mother of manifestation therefore do not hesitate to DREAM BIG and SPEAK what you got.


  1. so pretty..I nid me some of this native attires :)

  2. thanks ladie...hehe I could hook you up if you want :)

  3. Im loving everything about this look! I also love how you incorporate your faith into your blog, so empowering. Keep it up hun :)


    Tamara B.
    LilMissStyle Blog


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