Monday, October 15, 2012

Nifty Thrifty

Happy new week everyone, hope you all had an amazing weekend, mine was definitely busy with so much activities, rehearsal rehearsals rehearsals and birthday party so by the time it got to Saturday night I was too lazy to start putting together what to wear on Sunday morning so first thing that came to mind was a simple black dress with light accessories. I absolutely love the details in the arm of the dress and guess what it was Thrift from New Orleans. Fashion steal indeed!

Shout out and thanks to Emmanuella of  Nuella Source for awarding me the Versatile Bloggers Award. She is such a doll and I really appreciate her for the award. Will be doing a post in response to the award in my next post, so look out for that bellas.

The details in the arm of this dress is definitely my favorite part.

The Length of the dress is just perfect...Falls just below the knee even with 5 inches heels 
Up do always makes an easy to go look

Royal purple will do :)

Shout out to all my new followers. You guys are pretty much AHHH- Mazing and I'm glad to have you guys as part of the beginning days of Sunday Bella.


Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations - Jer. 1:5


  1. Your such a cutie!

    Great blog & I love how you end your posts with verses. Constant reminders that he is The Way.



  2. Aw you're welcome girl! I love the pop of purple and those shoes are gorgeous!

  3. Love the purple and awesome vintage dress!


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