Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Happy thanksgiving day to all my lovely Bloggers, whether its thanksgiving day at your place today or not just take out a few minuets to examine what you are thankful for. Personally I am thankful for the gift of life and to be able to share it with the ones I love the most, family, friends and well wishers. They are all AHHH-MAZING!!

I spend my pre-thanksgiving at the mall because I am not a big in-store black Friday person so I do pre- thanksgiving shopping and then shop everything else online on Friday.

So I went to my favorite store and while at it I decided to get some foundation and powder, you may have notice I only wear eye shadows and blush every once in a blue moon. I actually LOVE LOVE the look.  not sure if I will be keeping it though, look like my skin was reacting to it so I might try it on one more time to see what happens.

Speaking of thanksgiving sale my other fabulous store EXPRESS have got some amazing discount 50% off everything in store and online. For shoes %50 at Aldos and  gojane have got some fashion steal on their website as well. And if you love my clutch and neck-piece from here check out my N'omose store for some great Black Friday deals starting later this evening (11/22/12)


You have turned my mourning into dancing for me;
You have put off my sackcloth

and girded me with gladness,
To the end that my tongue
and my heart
and everything glorious within me
may sing praise to You
and not be silent.
O Lord my God,
I will give thanks to You forever." - ps 30 :11-12


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I've thankful for everything God has given me, and what's on the way! :)

    I like the look on you! You look good without foundation too :)

    1. Thanks miss, feels good to have things to be thankful for :)

  2. You have a beautiful smile!! Happy Turkey day!

    1. Aww Inthe... thanks darling hope you had a fabulous one too....BTW i think you miss the post where I revealed myself lol but you have still found my face This is YSU :)


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